I am often asked “Why do I need my Burlar alarm serviced every year? I had a new battery fitted * years ago ?
Let me explain !! Your alarm system be it Burglar or Fire alarm has a back up battery fitted so that in the event if mains power loss the the Burglar alarm and or Fire alarm will still function and protect your home.
The standy capacity of the back up battery will deteriorate over time depending on the capacity of the battery 2.3 AH, 3.6AH, 7 AH, 18 AH
The capacity of the battery diminishes over time, also the enviroment where the battery is installed (Hot Areas) Roof space (in the summer) Airing Cupboards.
When servicing the alarm system the battery will be checked by the engineer and you will be advised on the condition of your battery and whether or not you should have it changed.